Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Racial Issues: Russian skinheads attack attack Armenian and Chechen teenagers in Moscow

PanARMENIAN.Net Two radicals aged 18-20 attacked 8th grade schoolchildren George Mukanyan (Armenian) and Asambek Iznaurov (Chechen), both Russian citizens and permanent residents of Moscow.

The youngsters were quietly walking along the street when two men turned up and, insulting their national identity, immediately assaulted them with brass knuckles and an edge-tool.

Thanks to the fact that both guys go in for kickboxing, they managed to repel their attackers.

As a result of the attack, George Manukyan received facial injuries. Aslambek was also injured.

The incident was noticed by а police patrol passing by. Attackers immediately escaped.

Policemen ran after criminals but failed to catch them.