Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Russia: Medvedev sends battle-hardened general "to put in order"Ingushetia

FOCUS Information Agency - President Dmitry Medvedev on Tuesday ordered a battle-hardened Russian general "to put in order" troubled Ingushetia, a day after a suicide bomb attack defied Moscow's control of its restive southern flank, Reuters informs.

Twenty people died and 136 were wounded in the most powerful blast in years when explosives packed in a truck detonated near Ingushetia's main police station, dealing a blow to Moscow's authority in the North Caucasus plagued by Islamist insurgency.

"We must clarify what happened and answer the question: 'What is it? Sloppiness or treachery, or maybe a coincidence of several crimes which could not be averted'," a stern Medvedev told top security officials in the Black Sea resort of Sochi.
Published by Mike Hitchen,
Putting principles before profits