Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Saudi Arabia: Saudi businessman pays $35,000 for gold plated "male enhancement device"

One of the world's wealthiest Saudi Arabian businessmen has placed a custom order for what is considered the world's most expensive male enhancement device. Made of solid 18kt gold,

X4 Labs, a Canadian medical device manufacturer, was selected as the developer of this somewhat unorthodox request and will work alongside Montreal custom jewellers to put together the "Rolex" of male novelty devices . The custom male enhancement device will cost around $35,000. The order includes a bezel set with over 40 full cut diamonds, several rubies and a completely solid gold structure.

Company representatives have indicated that the identity of the Saudi Arabian national would not be revealed. Frank Clementine stated - "Our customers are always granted the utmost privacy, however; we are extremely pleased to have been selected to develop this device." It is uncertain as to whether this will become a trend, however.

Source: PR Web
Published by Mike Hitchen,
Putting principles before profits