Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Palestine: Palestinian activists protest Israeli attacks on Palestinian farmers

Israeli soldiers taking pot shots at Palestinian farmers is a topic I have sadly covered before on this blog.

Xinhua reports Palestinian activists marched near the security fence between the Gaza Strip and Israel on Tuesday, demanding an end of nearly daily attacks on Palestinian farmers.

The demonstration took place in the border town of Beit Hanoun in northern Gaza Strip where many areas of cultivated land have been leveled during frequent Israeli incursions.

In the crowded Gaza Strip, most of the farmlands are located near the border fence and the Israeli army would shoot at any one getting close to the fence.

From time to time, Israel sends tanks and bulldozers to clear up the land so that the army's observation posts would be able to scan the area.

Related i On Global Trends article: Gaza: Israeli snipers take aim at Gaza's farmers

Published by Mike Hitchen i On Global Trends, world news, analysis, opinion
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