The Burmese military junta is issuing ‘Temporary Registration Cards’ (TRCs) which is called white card to the Rohingya community since the last week of August, said a local in Maungdaw.
Issuing TRCs to Rohingyas started on August 22, in Shweza Village tract. It is being issued from the age group of 10, he said.
“In the TRCs, the authorities did not write what the Rohingya community desired. They have been described as Bengalis, but we are Rohingya,” said a student in Shweza village.
“The authorities charged Kyat 3000 per person, which is very high for the poor Rohingya to dole out,” he added.
“However, the official charge for TRCs is only 500 Kyat,” he more added.
When asked the village authorities said, “We collected 3000 Kyat as fees, food and other expenditure for officers who are working on this project.”
In Shweza village tract, around 1000 TRCs were issued, but some people who were unable to pay, did not get the cards.
The Rohingya are denied National Registration Cards (NRCs) or Citizenship Scrutiny Cards (CSCs), which are issued to all other Burmese citizens. Instead they are being given Temporary Registration Cards (TRCs).
“Why are the authorities denying us NRCs or CSCs. We were born here and grew up here and will die here. We have our history which proves we are an indigenous people, who were recognized by the previous democratic government,” said a school teacher in Maungdaw.
Published by Mike Hitchen i On Global Trends, world news, analysis, opinion
Putting principles before profits
Burma Burmese Refugees IDPs Myanmar Refugees Rohingya
Putting principles before profits
Burma Burmese Refugees IDPs Myanmar Refugees Rohingya