Stanisic and Jupljanin have been indicted for elimination and permanent removal of Muslims and Croatians from Bosnia and Herzegovina territory.
Trial Watch reports that from 1991, Stojan Zupljanin was in command of the Regional Security Services Centre of Banja Luka (CSB). Between 5 May 1992 and at least until July 1992, he was a member of the Crisis Staff for the Autonomous Region of Krajina (ARK) and, in 1994, he became Internal Affairs Advisor to the President of Republika Srpska.
In his position as Commander of the CSB, Stojan Zupljanin was the most senior authority in the ARK police. He exercised operational control (at times in conjunction with the Bosnian Serb Army, VRS) over the municipal and regional police forces within the ARK zone, in particular over those in charge of the running of the detention centres.
In his capacity as member and representative of the police within the ARK Crises Staff, Stojan Zupljanin took part individually, or in league with others, in the plan related to the conduct of hostilities and the destruction of the Muslim and Bosnian Croat communities in the ARK zone.
After the dissolution of the ARK Crises Staff, Stojan Zupljanin continued with the implementation of this plan in his capacity as Commander of the CSB of Banja Luka.
Stojan Zupljanin was arrested near Belgrade on June 11, 2008.
Published by Mike Hitchen i On Global Trends, world news, analysis, opinion
Putting principles before profits
War Crimes Bosnia and Herzegovina Serbia Croatia
Putting principles before profits
War Crimes Bosnia and Herzegovina Serbia Croatia