Saturday, February 06, 2010

Family Law: Las Vegas dad granted 'Virtual Visitation' under new legislation

Cook County Judge Michael Panter utilized Fathers' Rights Attorney Jeffery Leving's new Virtual Visitation Law by awarding Leving's client internet "web visitation" yesterday. This Las Vegas father will now enjoy video conferencing with his infant Chicago son twice weekly. This virtual visitation supplements the father's "in-person" visitation as ordered by the court.

Attorney Jeffery Leving (, who co-authored the Illinois Virtual Visitation Law, which just went into effect this new year says "now geographically removed non-custodial fathers can have the next best thing to 'in-person' visitation with state-of-the-art technology."

The new Illinois Virtual Visitation Law now updates the legal system with current technology to facilitate the critical father-child relationship when parents are separated. This will allow many military, incarcerated or other long distant non-custodial parents the legal right to utilize technologies such as email, telephone, internet and video conferencing to maintain contact with their children.

Source: Law Offices of Jeffery M. Leving

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