Thursday, March 25, 2010

Libel: National Press Club urges Congress to enact legislation discouraging foreign lawsuits that limit First Amendment rights

The National Press Club urged the U.S. Congress to enact legislation that would discourage foreign lawsuits that limit American authors' and journalists' First Amendment rights.

Plaintiffs, through a practice known as "libel tourism," bring lawsuits against Americans in countries that lack adequate free-speech protections. The legislation in Congress discourages the practice by making it clear that foreign libel judgments must meet American defamation standards to be recognized in the U.S.

"There is no right more precious to journalists than the ability to write and speak freely," Club President Alan Bjerga said March 24. "Congress must enact legislation that protects First Amendment rights and tells the world 'libel tourism' is wrong."

SOURCE National Press Club

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