Speaking to Angop, in the light of 8th anniversary of the signing of Luena's Memorandum of Understanding, to be celebrated on April 4, the official said that during the armed conflict it was impossible to speak of human rights.
The mentality of people in wartime reflected military attitude, he said, adding that "with the achievement of peace the government began working for a greater respect of human Rights.
According to Bento Bembe, over the last eight years the country recorded significant progress in the human rights, with emphasis on the approval of the new Constitution of the Republic of Angola that gives priority to respect for life.
The south-eastern Kuando Kubango province will host the central act of the eighth anniversary of the proclamation of Peace and National Reconciliation's Day, running under the motto "Angola - peace democracy and good governance."
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See also Sydney Irresistible and for personal comment, Mike Hitchen Unleashed
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See also Sydney Irresistible and for personal comment, Mike Hitchen Unleashed
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