The project delivered critical risk education messages to 2,480 local residents, recently returned refugees and internally displaced persons. It also cleared over 1,000 articles of unexploded ordnance (UXO) in areas in which returnees resettled. In addition, the project built professional capacities and skills of four staff of Southern Sudan Demining Commission in the management of MRE and EOD operations and six staff of Sudan Integrated Mine Action Service, a UN-accredited local NGO, in managing EOD operations. These staff worked alongside teams from the Danish Demining Group to deliver risk education messages and clear UXO. This opportunity enhanced the local deminers' skills and knowledge of mine action, paving the way towards the transition of mine action programme to national ownership scheduled for 2011.
Published by i On Global Trends - Mike Hitchen Online - news, opinion, analysis
See also Sydney Irresistible and for personal comment, Mike Hitchen Unleashed
Putting principles before profits
See also Sydney Irresistible and for personal comment, Mike Hitchen Unleashed
Putting principles before profits