Thursday, May 06, 2010

Cyprus: Turkey's prospects to join EU are close to nil without prior solution of Cyprus problem

Xinhua reports a leading European parliamentarian warned on Wednesday that Turkey's prospects to join the European Union are close to nil without a prior solution of the long- standing Cyprus problem.

Wilfried Martens, who leads the European People's Party, the biggest group in the European Parliament, said Turkey will most probably fail in her bid to become a fully-fledged EU member if a Cyprus solution proves elusive.

"In such a case, the most it can hope for is a privileged association," Martens said in an interview with state-run Cyprus Broadcasting Corporation at the end of a visit to Cyprus.

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan is insisting on a full-fledged accession for Turkey and has repeatedly rejected a privileged association, advocated by German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Nicolas Sarkozy.

The UN office in Cyprus said in a statement on Wednesday that talks between Cyprus President and Greek Cypriot leader Demetris Christofias, and new Turkish Cypriot leader Dervis Eroglu will restart on May 26.

See also
Sydney Irresistible and Mike Hitchen Unleashed

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