The company is organizing local Los Angeles efforts to collect, pack, and ship hair clippings to warehouses along the Gulf. There, hundreds of thousands of pounds of hair are arriving to Matter of Trust warehouses from every city in North America, and the UK, France, Spain, Germany, Mexico, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, China and Brazil.
"We're inviting all barbershops and salons in Los Angeles County to join us in the effort," said company Founder & Chief Barber, Mohawk Matt. "We do what we can to help out."
To ease costs for salons and barbershops struggling in the difficult economy, Bolt Barbers is offering to pack and ship hair clippings from all Los Angeles barbershops and salons to Matter of Trust as a gesture of industry-wide goodwill.
The hair clippings are used to fill large quantities of oil booms and will be used all along the Gulf Coast in the massive clean up ahead. Salon patrons getting shorn will receive a "Shorn To Help Clean Up The Slick" lapel sticker so they can let others at home and work/school know they have contributed in a small way towards helping clean up the colossal spill.
Source: Bolt Barbers
See also Sydney Irresistible and Mike Hitchen Unleashed
Putting principles before profits
Putting principles before profits