Thursday, May 06, 2010

South Korea: Defence ministry denies reports explosive from a torpedo have been found on debris from sunken South Korean warship

Radio Netherlands reports traces of explosive from a torpedo have been found on debris from a sunken South Korean warship, a newspaper said Thursday, but the defence ministry denied the report.

Aluminium fragments from a torpedo casing have also been found, Dong-A Ilbo newspaper quoted an unidentified member of a team investigating the blast as saying.

President Lee Myung-Bak hinted Tuesday that North Korea was involved in the March sinking of the Cheonan, which cost 46 lives. He promised a "resolute" response when the cause is established following the multinational probe.

The unidentified team member was quoted as saying the explosive traces were found on a funnel that was torn off the Cheonan by the blast on March 26 near the disputed border with North Korea.

"It has been confirmed that the explosive came from a torpedo," the team member was quoted as saying.

Detailed analysis of salvaged aluminium fragments also confirmed they are from a torpedo, the individual said.

The defence ministry denied the report. "No traces of explosive have been found," spokesman Won Tae-Jae said

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