Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Afghanistan: NATO - "These were innocent children going about their daily lives"

SAF Joint Command - Afghanistan

Source: North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO)

KABUL, Afghanistan (August 10) - Eight Afghan civilians, including six children, were wounded during insurgent attacks on a coalition outpost and the Kandahar governor's palace in the past two days.

Four Afghan civilians were injured, including two children, when insurgents attacked a coalition outpost yesterday with small-arms and rocket-propelled grenade (RPG) fire in the Watahpur district of Kunar province.

Four more Afghan children were wounded when insurgents attacked the Kandahar governor's palace with an RPG Sunday.

"These were innocent children going about their daily lives," said U.S. Air Force Col. James Dawkins, ISAF Joint Command's Combined Joint Operations Center director. "Afghan and coalition forces will not waiver in their resolve to bring the people who did this to justice."