Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Angola: War maimed over 50,000 people

Source: Government of Angola

The Angolan war maimed over 50,000 people, the deputy minister of former combatants and veterans of the motherland, Clemente Cunjuca, stated.

Welcoming his mozambican counterpart, Mateus Oscar Kida, arrived here on a four day working visit, Clemente Cunjuca recalled that Angola had gone through 14 years independence war against Portuguese colonialism and 27 years of civil war, totalling 41 years of war that caused a huge number of disableds.

He said that his ministry controls 30,000 war disableds while other 20,000 are controlled by the armed forces.

Mr Cunjuca added that Angola wants to transmit to Mozambique its experience with UNITA forces, obtained from different processes since the Bicesse and Lusaka accords to the Lwena Understanding and the Namibe Protocol, in the demobilization of the effectives that did not belong to the single national army.

He stated that the talks with the mozambican delegation are also expected to address the programs of social and economic reintegration, social assistance and the special protection regime of war veterans and war disableds, recalling the recent approval of the legislation on the special procetion regime for war vets and disableds in the legal system, accordingly to the new Constitutional Law.

The ministry is now assisting 180,000 people amongst war vets, war disableds and relatives of deceased combatants.