Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Discrimination: Calls for Chile to step up response to recent surge in assaults on the country's Jewish community

The American Jewish Committee has called on Chilean President Pinera to step up his government's efforts to respond to the recent surge in assaults on the country's Jewish community.

"The systematic campaign of vandalism of Jewish institutions throughout Chile, as well as personal threats against the community's leaders, is of paramount concern to us," said AJC Executive Director David Harris. "We trust President Pinera's government will take the necessary actions to strengthen security for the Jewish community, and apprehend those responsible for the anti-Semitic attacks."

The Chilean Jewish community is an AJC international partner.

In recent weeks, schools, synagogues and cemeteries in Santiago, Concepcion and Temuco have been vandalized and desecrated. While law enforcement has not yet determined who is behind the attacks, there are strong indications that the perpetrators are neo-Nazis.

AJC also called on the Chilean legislature to move quickly on adopting anti-racism legislation, currently stalled in the Chilean Senate.

"The anti-Semitic attacks haunting the Chilean Jewish community must be designated criminal acts," said Harris.

Source: American Jewish Committee