Many internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Gedaref State, North Sudan, wish to return home before upcoming Popular Consultations in Blue Nile and Southern Kordofan states as well as the southern referendum.
Popular Consultations will evaluate Comprehensive Peace Agreement implementation in Blue Nile and Southern Kordofan states. The referendum, scheduled for 9 January 2011 in Southern Sudan, will determine whether the region remains united with the north or secedes.
According to Augustino Areeno, advisor on peace and unity to State Governor Karam Allah Abbas, the over 200,000 IDPs now residing in the state will need assistance to take part in these vital benchmarks of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement in their home states.
"Joint efforts and plans need to be put forward by the Internal Organization for Migration (IOM), government of Southern Sudan (GOSS) and the state government to repatriate the IDPs before the referendum," the advisor said.
Some IDPs wish to return home to participate in the referendum, although they could also cast their ballots in Gedaref State. "I am ready to participate in the referendum if I am repatriated to my state in the south," said Carlos Albert Joki, IDP and community chief from Western Bahr El-Ghazel State.
Others have failed to make ends meet and feel they should return home before the vote. "I have been here for many years, (but) earning a living has been very difficult for me ... My feeling is that it's better to go back before the referendum," said IDP Lazarus Fataki of Western Equatoria State.
To boost IDP awareness of consultations, the referendum and the media's role in these processes, the government of Gedaref State held a workshop in collaboration with UNMIS on 1 and 2 August, targeting IDP chiefs, community leaders, youth and media.
The state authority had also set up a high committee aimed at enlightening IDPs in the state about these historic events, Mr. Areeno noted.