Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Venezuela: Chavez's near-monopoly on political power will be tested during next month's elections

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez's near-monopoly on political power will be tested during next month's elections for the national assembly. Currently, all but a few legislators are loyal to Mr. Chavez. Public opinion polls show the socialist president's popularity slipping amid tough economic times and soaring crime rates. Mr. Chavez has significant political and institutional advantages over the opposition as campaigns heat up ahead of the September 26 vote.

Perhaps the most-polarizing figure in South America, Hugo Chavez elicits strong responses wherever his name is mentioned.

This Caracas resident says she voted for Mr. Chavez in 1998, but will never do so again.

"I voted for him because he was young and came from humble beginnings," she said. "And I thought he would move the country forward. I think this government is the worst. And if they want to arrest me for saying so, let them do it. Bad, bad, bad!"

The biggest complaints: inflation, unemployment, food shortages and rampant crime.

In a poorer part of Caracas, where government money has brought social services and development projects, a disabled retiree has a different perspective.

"My family and I survive give thanks to the president. As long as he is there, I will vote. As long as I can get on my feet to cast a ballot, I will support my president," she said.

Venezuelan pollster Luis Vicente Leon says Mr. Chavez's public approval rating has dropped from 65 percent a few years ago to 45 percent today.

"Forty-five percent approval - you could call that stellar, even spectacular, if you consider that this is a president who has been in power for 11 years and has yet to solve the nation's biggest problems," said Leon.

Hoping to capitalize on the president's sagging ratings is Julio Borges, who heads the opposition party Primero Justicia.

"In Venezuela, we do not have good or bad governments - just governments in power during high oil prices or low oil prices. And President Chavez's popularity has followed this pattern," noted Borges.

Michael Bowman
Published with the permission of
Voice of America