Saturday, August 21, 2010

Veterans: Stolen Valor Act court ruling "tarnishes bravery and service of Veterans"

Source Mattie Fein for Congress
Authorized by
Mattie Fein for Congress

In a disgraceful display of judicial and patriotic ignorance, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit in the 2-1 panel majority authenticated intentional lying under the Stolen Valor Act of 2005 as constitutional. The Stolen Valor Act advances the substantial government interest in preventing the cheapening of military medals of honor to the detriment of authentic military heroes.

Mattie Fein, Republican nominee for the 36th district against Jane Harman (photo), stated that, "The law encourages true bravery and courage on the battlefield—a compelling military objective. This decision cheapens the men and women that serve our country and secure our freedoms. I join with the American Legion in the hope that the federal government appeal the 9th Circuit decision."

The courts decision follows in a long line of disrespecting our soldiers and veterans that began with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and enablers like Jane Harman prohibiting Members of Congress from posting names and pictures of the fallen in Iraq and Afghanistan on the walls outside their congressional offices.

In 2008, many House representatives, including Walter Jones, R-NC, wished to pay tribute to the service members of Camp Lejeune who had been killed in Iraq or Afghanistan. Pelosi, under her powers as Speaker had Jones' name sign and poster removed by the Capitol architect and police. After threats of a First Amendment suit, posters of fallen soldiers were permitted in House Office Buildings and Speaker Pelosi backed down.

Fein continued, "I worked closely on this issue in 2008. Jane Harman was AWOL in speaking out for the right to pay tribute to our soldiers. Where was Jane Harman in speaking out on other House members' fight over commemorating veterans who had paid the ultimate price in service to the nation? Harman said nothing and did nothing. Congress needs leaders not followers."

Jane Harman recently made a cameo-appearance on veterans issues, during her re-elect in July 2010 with her H. Res 1535 on commemorating veterans and members of the Armed Forces from Los Angeles County.

"Harman hasn't uttered a word on commemorating veterans during the 2008 fight for House members to pay tribute and has been silent on the recent court decision on the Stolen Valor Act. Harman is ready to fight for respect for veterans when it's an election cycle. Leadership should be made of sterner stuff."