“This is not a bilateral, pedantic dispute about historical symbols, as some may try to portray it, but a regional question, with deep historical roots, related to good neighbourliness,” Dimitrios Droutsas said on the fifth day of the Assembly’s annual high-level debate.
The United Nations-brokered Interim Accord of 13 September 1995 details the difference between the two nations on the name issue. It also obliges them to continue negotiations under the auspices of the Secretary-General to try to reach agreement.
Since 1999, Matthew Nimetz, the UN’s Personal Envoy on the issue, has been holding talks with the two sides and proposed compromise names.
“In order to reach a compromise on the name issue, the two sides must meet in the middle by taking reciprocal steps to bridge the gap and reconcile their conflicting positions,” Mr. Droutsas said, stressing that “Greece has already done its part.”
He emphasized that a fair and durable solution for the name requires a geographic qualifier.
“Macedonia is a large geographic region, most of which lies in Greece,” with a small part in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and a smaller section in Bulgaria, the minister stressed.
“The part cannot represent the whole,” he said, underscoring that the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia’s exclusive claims to the name “Macedonia” cannot be used to fuel nationalism.
Greece has stepped up its efforts to reach a settlement under a UN negotiating process led by Mr. Nimetz, Mr. Droutsas said.
He called on Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia to “display leadership and become our partner for progress.”
The country must focus on finding a solution, rather than “creating [an] atmosphere of antagonism or even animosity and of avoiding taking responsibilities,” the Greek official said.
“Greece is extending a hand of friendship and cooperation,” he said. “The time has come for our neighbours to take this hand.”
On Friday, President Gjorge Ivanov of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia told the Assembly that he was hopeful that agreement can be reached with neighbouring over the name issue.
President Gjorge Ivanov said he met with Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou on 23 September at UN Headquarters in New York with the aim of “building a climate of mutual trust and understanding.”
“I hope that, as two neighbouring countries that have lived and will live with one another, we will be able to find a mutually acceptable solution,” Mr. Ivanov told the Assembly debate. “It will be a big step for us, but a huge step towards fulfilling the common vision for our whole region.
“I must tell you that I am encouraged with the situation in the region. The more intensive [the] communication and cooperation, the better [the] understanding and respect. By accepting the dialogue as the only way to overcome the inherited problems and open issues, we create one new ambience.”