Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Palestine: Since 2000, Israeli security forces killed 6371 Palestinians, of whom 1317 were minors

Source: B'TSELEM - The Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories

10 years to the second Intifada – summary of data

Casualties in the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians (29.9.2000 to 26.9.2010)

Israeli security forces killed 6371 Palestinians, of whom 1317 were minors. At least 2996 of the fatalities did not participate in the hostilities when killed. 2193 were killed while participating in the hostilities. For 694, B’Tselem does not know whether they participated in the hostilities or not. An additional 248 were Palestinian police killed in Gaza during operation Cast Lead, and 240 were targets of assassinations.

Palestinians killed 1083 Israelis in Israel and the Occupied Territories. 741 of the fatalities were civilians, of whom 124 were minors, and 342 were members of the security forces.

B’Tselem Executive Director Jessica Montell: “Palestinian and Israeli Civilians have paid a terrible price due to the conflict. At the close of the decade, we hope to start a new chapter, in which both sides do all they can to adhere to their obligations and protect civilians from the impact of hostilities.”

The separation barrier:

Construction Progress

Length (Km)

Percentage of barrier's length

Completed construction


Under construction


Construction not yet begun


Palestinian population affected by the barrier's route

Number of Communities

Number of Residents

Communities west of the barrier* 35 35,000
Communities east of the barrier that are completely or partially surrounded** 25 151,000
East Jerusalem 21 225,000
Total 81 411,000

* Source: OCHA: office for the coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, July 2009.
** Residents of these towns and villages will require permits to live in their homes, and they will be able to leave their communities only via a gate in the barrier. The figure does not include three communities that are presently situated west of the barrier but lie east of the barrier according to the currently approved route.
*** Residents of these towns and villages will not require permits or have to pass through a gate.

According to data provided by the state to the Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI), the number of permanent permits issued to Palestinian farmers living east of the barrier to work land that remains west of the barrier dropped by 83% between 2006 and 2009, from 10,037 to only 1,640 permits only. This while Israel expanded the area west of the barrier by 30%, to a total of approximately 119,500 dunums.

Freedom of movement
As of 31 August 2010, the Israeli army had 59 permanent checkpoints inside the West Bank, 18 of them in the city of Hebron. 35 are regularly staffed - some around the clock, some only during the day, and some only a few hours a day. In addition, the army operates 37 permanent, staffed, around-the-clock checkpoints that are the last control points between the West Bank and Israeli sovereign territory. Most of these checkpoints are located well inside the West Bank, up to several kilometers from the Green Line.

Prisoners and detainees:
6,011 Palestinians were held in Israel as of the end of August 2010, the vast majority in facilities of the Israel Prisons Service, and a small number in IDF facilities. 189 of them were held in administrative detention, without trial.