Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Somalia: Young women die on deadly college run

Source: Government of Somalia - It is believed that 3 of the victims of today's roadside bomb were young female students returning home from college to break fast during the holy month of Ramadan.

The girls, aged between19 to 22, attended SIMAD College in the city and it is understood that they were studying Business Administration.

All three died in today's attack condemned today by the Government of Somalia.

Minister of information, Abdirahman Omar Osman (Eng. Yarisow) said:

"This attack against innocent civilians is simply unacceptable. Whoever did this is a traitor to Somalia and a ruthless, callus murderer.

"We are heartbroken that once again it is our young students who die at the hands of extremists' intent on destroying our country.

"The relatives of those killed today have our deepest sympathy but Somalia will unite against the evil murderers in our midst."