According to IRNA Night Service, the news website of the Presidential Office quoted President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as saying late Wednesday evening at official seeing off ceremony for the departing Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez after signing 11 cooperation documents, “The two countries’ relations have always been important and brotherly, but now after our last rounds of talks in Tehran and the reached agreements they have been improved to a strategic level.”
According to the report, Ahmadinejad referred to the proximity between the stands of Tehran and Caracas on governing inside their own countries, as well as the world management, arguing, “The significance of such shared and close stands is doubly as important keeping in mind that the hegemonic powers are moving fast towards a fast downfall.”
He added, “Both sides on the one hand are resisting against the bullying of the global oppression and on the other hand determined for overthrowing the unjust ruling system of the world and the establishment of a new world order based on the rules of justice.”
The Venezuelan president too said that eleven years ago with the victory of the Bolivarian Revolution in Venezuela the two countries, very determined, began a campaign aimed at establishment of a new world order, and although the imperialists do their best to avoid our unity, today Imperialism is on the verge of collapse and with the resistance and the cooperation among the freedom seeking nations around the globe the process of its downfall would be accelerated.”
President Chavez said the reached agreements and the bilaterally obtained agreements in this visit are of great importance for the two nations, and above that for strengthening the entire other revolutionary nations.
He added, “Through such cooperation we are expanding the dimensions of our unified will towards the establishment of a new world order based on justice and equality of all nations.”
Chavez at the end condemned the west’s imposed pressures and military threats against Iran, arguing, “No one is capable of besieging the Iranian revolution and we once again very clearly reiterate our full support for Iran and the Iranian nation.”
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez was officially seen off before departing Iran early Thursday morning by IRI President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad after a 2-day official visit.
The two countries’ national anthems were played before the departure of the Venezuelan political leader and his high ranking political-economic delegation at Tehran’s Mehrabad Airport.
In addition to two rounds of summit talks between the Iranian and Venezuelan leaders, the two countries’ officials signed eleven letters of understanding and cooperation documents in fields of oil, energy, industries and commerce during the visit.
Iran and Venezuela signed 11 agreements in Tehran late Wednesday, including one on establishing a joint oil company.
The other memorandums of understanding were on the involvement of the Venezuelan Oil Company in Phase 12 of the South Pars gas field, the construction of a refinery in Syria, cooperation in liquefied natural gas and oil tanker activities, and cooperation in the petrochemical and energy sectors.
The agreements were signed in Tehran at the sixth session of the two countries’ Joint Industrial Committee, which the Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and the Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez attended.