The story was reported by the Al-Jazeera Network, which posted its eight-minute interview with the distraught father, as well as its news report on the incident in the coastal city of Xiamen. It is also available at:
The baby's father, Luo, thought his family had registered his son in compliance with the policy. In the interview, the father painfully recounts the recent ordeal during which his wife, who was in her eighth month of pregnancy with their second child, was beaten and kicked in the stomach and then forcibly taken to an abortion clinic while he attempted to get the necessary paperwork. Her unborn child was killed by lethal injection. The traumatized mother would not allow herself to be shown on camera, and the Al-Jazeera report showed only her pregnant belly as she waited in the hospital to deliver her dead baby.
"I don't know how I can possibly explain to my ten-year-old what has happened," says Luo. "She's been rubbing my wife's belly, saying, 'soon I'll have a baby brother!'"
This is not an isolated incident. According to China's own official statistics, at least 35,000 abortions are performed every day, or about one every 2.5 seconds.
"We urge all people and leaders of the free world to view this video and hear the cries of the parents and this unborn child who was simply murdered," said Chai. "How long will the world turn a blind eye to this inhumane policy?"
Chai, who was one of the main student leaders of the 1989 Tiananmen Square democracy movement, is a two-time Nobel Peace Prize nominee. She founded AGA in June 2010 to fight for an end to the 30-year-old family planning policy. AGA's mission is to restore life, value and dignity to girls and mothers in China, and to expose the injustice of the one-child policy. More information, including how to get involved, can be found at the AGA website:
Source: All Girls Allowed