Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Discrimination: Mosque defaced with bacon

A prominent national Muslim civil rights and advocacy organization today called on the FBI to investigate a possible bias motive for the defacement of a South Carolina mosque with bacon, a food prohibited to Muslims.

The Washington-based Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) reported that someone defaced the Florence Islamic Center being renovated in Florence, S.C., on Sunday between morning and noon prayers by using slices of bacon to spell out the words "PIG CHUMP" on the walkway of the mosque. The mosque is currently used for Friday prayers. CAIR is in touch with local police and mosque officials about the incident.

SEE: S.C. Muslims Believe They're Victims of a Hate Crime

Muslims are prohibited from eating pork products and such items are frequently used by anti-Muslim bigots as a means to cause the maximum offense.

This is reportedly the second time that someone has vandalized the mosque. Earlier this year, vandals broke windows in the facility. Local police say they will step up patrols near the mosque and are investigating a possible bias motive for the latest incident.

"We urge the FBI to add this incident to the growing list of possible bias-motivated attacks on American Muslims and their institutions," said CAIR National Communications Director Ibrahim Hooper.

He noted that Mosques in California, Tennessee, New York, Illinois, Wisconsin, Arizona, Louisiana, Kentucky, Texas, and Florida have faced vocal opposition or have been targeted by hate incidents in recent months.

SEE: Muslim Group Urges No Plea Deals for Suspects in Mosque Incident

U.S. Monitoring 11 Sites for Possible Discrimination Against Muslims