Friday, October 01, 2010

Ecuador: Concern at civil unrest

UN - Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has voiced deep concern at today’s developments in Ecuador, where the President has been hurt during protests and some members of the police and military forces have reportedly been insubordinate.

Mr. Ban “expresses his strong support for the country’s democratic institutions and elected government,” his spokesperson said in a statement.

“The Secretary-General is also concerned about the physical condition and personal welfare of President Rafael Correa.”

Media reports say Mr. Correa was taken to hospital after being hit by tear gas during a demonstration in the capital, Quito. The protests relate to Government measures that will cut some benefits for public servants such as police officers.

“The Secretary-General calls on all actors to intensify efforts to resolve the current crisis peacefully, within the rule of law,” today’s statement added. “He welcomes the endeavours of the Organization of American States and other regional actors to contribute to an early, constructive resolution.”