Friday, November 05, 2010

Iraq: Better protection needed for Iraq's religious communities

Source: United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR)

The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay on Thursday strongly condemned this week's attacks targeting religious communities in Iraq, and urged the Iraqi Government to do more to protect civilians in an effort to prevent a "deadly" upsurge in sectarian violence.

At least 50 civilians were killed and dozens of others wounded on Sunday during the attempted rescue of worshippers who had been taken hostage in a Catholic Church. On Tuesday, another 68 civilians were killed and hundreds wounded in a series of explosions in at least ten mostly Shi'a neighborhoods in Baghdad.

"The full details of the attacks and the precise number of people killed and injured are still emerging," Pillay said. "However the blasts were deliberately targeting locations where civilians congregate, such as markets and banks, and the attacks appear once again to have been sectarian in nature," she added.

While noting that bringing the perpetrators to justice is essential, but not easy in a country still recovering from years of conflict and violence, Pillay urged the Government to take immediate concrete measures to provide better protection for vulnerable groups and minorities.

"Allowing a renewed upsurge in sectarian violence to develop in Iraq could be deadly," the High Commissioner said. "I realize that dealing with the out-and-out terrorist groups is not an easy task. However, I believe much more could be done to protect groups which are clearly targets and who are particularly vulnerable. And it needs to be made clear to everyone in Iraq that sectarian attacks against any group are unacceptable and will be dealt with severely, under the law, no matter who is responsible."

"It is imperative that the Iraqi Government intervenes decisively and impartially at the first sign of incitement to hostility and violence against any religious groups or minorities," Pillay said. "The authorities should ensure that religious sites and other likely targets are adequately protected, and reach out and demonstrate to different communities that their safety is of paramount concern to the Government. As part of this process, when attacks do occur, the authorities should launch thorough investigations, conduct prosecutions and promptly provide redress to victims, as well as constantly reviewing and improving the steps they are taking to prevent further attacks."

The High Commissioner said she extended her wholehearted condolences to the families of the victims of the attacks and wished a speedy recovery to those who were injured.