Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Liberia: Caterpillars take over fifteen towns and villages

Written by Peter Fahny - STAR Radio
Courtesy of STAR Radio

Report from Lofa County says thousands of caterpillars have invaded fifteen towns and villages in Kolahun District.

Our correspondent quotes the district’s Agriculture Officer as saying the caterpillars resemble the ones that invaded Bong County in January 2009.

Mr. Nathaniel Korvah told our correspondent five of the fifteen towns and villages are seriously affected by the caterpillar invasion.

According to Mr. Korvah, farmers in the affected towns and villages are abandoning farming activities around the Keh-hai River in Kolahun District.

He said the caterpillars are eating up the leaves of mahogany trees and other dependable forest species in the affected parts of the district.

Our correspondent says the Health Officer of Kolahun District also confirmed the presence of the caterpillars in the district.

Our correspondent quotes Heath Officer Joseph Saylay as warning residents of the affected areas not to drink water from creeks and rivers in the district.

Mr. Saylay also cautioned the residents not to engage in fishing activities in the rivers and creeks to avoid contracting various skin diseases. One report says the caterpillars are gradually spreading to Voinjama and Foya Districts.