Luanda - Leprosy remains a major public health concern to Angolan authorities as the country is among the countries which continue recording over a thousand cases, despite having reached the elimination goal recommended by the World Health Organisation (less than 1 case /10.000 citizens).
According to a note from the National Department of Public Health, through its National Programme of Tuberculosis and Leprosy Control, made available to Angop, January 30 is celebrated as the World Leprosy Day as instituted by the World Health Organization (WHO).
The date is being celebrated in the country under the motto "Promoting Human Rights".
The document states that leprosy is a curable disease that affects thousands of people who are stigmatised and discriminated all over the world.
According to the WHO source, at least 13 provinces of the country reached the world organisation's leprosy elimination goal. They are Bengo, Benguela, Cabinda, Huíla, Cunene, Kwanza Norte, Luanda.
The provinces of Malanje, Moxico, Namibe, Uíge, Lunda Norte and Zaire are also part of the regions of the country that reached the elimination goal.
Bíe, Huambo, Kuando Kubango, Kwanza Sul and Lunda Sul are in the group that failed to reach the elimination goal.
Statistics say that more than 250,000 cases of leprosy were detected last year in 118 countries. Angola recorded 1,048 cases until December 2010.