According to the IRNA dispatched reporter, First Vice President Mohammad-Reza Rahimi who was speaking Monday evening for a group of the provincial businessmen, industrialists and merchants, added, 'Nowadays anyone is capable of launching a website, or a weblog, and that is a way for distortion of the realities for some people.'
Criticizing the lack of fidelity in reporting by some websites, Rahimi reiterated, 'Today I had some addresses, but before reaching back in Tehran some people distorted them and misquoted me.'
He added, 'The government's comments are broadcasted on TV; those who foment crises intend to weaken the system, and they would be confronted as far a possible.'
Pointing out that he has arrived in the province with three of his deputies, the manager of his office, and all his assistants, Rahimi said, 'We are here to solve the economic and financial problems and difficulties of this province.'
The fist vice president added, 'In provincial visits which I accompany the president I attend the commercial meetings, or the Cooperatives Room, where I study and identify the economic patterns.'
He directed the Governor General of Hamedan to establish work groups and asked his deputies to accept the responsibility of those groups, and to report the outcomes to the Veep's deputies for consideration.
He emphasized that the government's efforts are aimed at expediting the affairs, adding, 'There are lots of work we can do with the neighboring country of your province, Iraq, such as establishing a border market, and business centers at the borders, with which we can maintain in constant touch.'
The first vice president emphasized, 'We are aftwer economic development and creation of various jobs for the youth, and Hamedan can be among the pioneer provinces in this respect.'
He said that his deputy Mr. Aqa-Mohammadi is in charge of summing up the province's economic activists' demands and problems, pursuing them, and solving them.
Rahimi added, 'He is from Hamedan himself, and he is quite a competent personality.'