According to the IRNA Political Desk reporter, the Islamic Republic of Iran’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Ali-Akbar Salehi who was speaking at Tehran’s Mehrabad International Airport with the press upon arrival back home from Kazakhstan, was referring to the three presidents’ talks on the sidelines of the Shanghai Summit.
Salehi added, “During that trilateral meeting, the presidents of the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Russian Federation, and the Republic of Kazakhstan discussed the global disarmament, and the nuclear non-proliferation issues, reiterating that the best way for solving the nuclear issues is patience and negotiations, and in this case the Iran-G5+1 talks.”
Referring to President Ahmadinejad’s remarks at the trilateral talks, he reiterated, “The president once again referred to the emphases of the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution over being religiously forbidden of the possession, let alone usage, of the nuclear weapons, which is all by itself both a state, and a religious order.”
Salehi meanwhile added, “The president expressed hope that the negotiations with the 5+1G would continue.”
Salehi said elsewhere in his talks, “The Russian officials meanwhile emphasized that solving the Iranian nuclear issue should not be sought beyond the current international rules and regulations, stressing that the Islamic Republic of Iran should continue its cooperation with the agency.”
He said that such moves are the Islamic Republic of Iran’s repeated emphases over the peaceful nature of its nuclear programs.
Salehi also referred to the transportation agreement reached among the three presidents, known as the Caspian Sea rail transportation project, “Which is a very important project, which was somehow discussed in Astana.”
He added, “In not so remote a future and with the implementation of very significant developments in rail transit and even in passenger frequenting.”
Salehi said that the Iran-Turkmenistan-Kazakhstan railways would be opened this (Iranian) year (ending on March 20th, 2012), arguing, “Kazakhstan’s President Noor Sultan Nazarabayev favors attachment of his country’s transportations to the transit route of Oman, Qatar, Iran, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.”
Salehi meanwhile Salehi also referred to the bilateral talks of the IRI president with his counterparts from China, Russia, Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, and Pakistan, adding, “In those talks, particularly with the Russian and Chinese sides, detailed and frank discussions were held and the expansion of bilateral ties were stressed, while regional and international developments were discussed.”
He also referred to the topics of President Ahmadinejad’s talks with President Hamid Karzai, saying that Keeping in mind that the Americans are scheduled to be evacuated from Afghanistan in the year 2014, the Islamic Republic of Iran stresses that the Afghans should not compromise over the matter at any rate.