Thursday, July 28, 2011

Famine: Opinion - "Must never happen again" they say

By Mike Hitchen

Biafra - They said, "Must never
happen again"

Bangladesh - They said, "Must never happen again"

Ethiopia - They said, "Must never happen again"

Somalia - They are saying, "Must never happen again"

Concerts are never going to change the world, CD's are never going to eliminate the root causes of poverty or famine. The empty promises of those on six or seven figure salaries won't fill the empty bellies of the children.

It needs commitment, the willingness to strike at the heart of greed and corruption and tin pot politics.

Who amongst our leaders will stand up and say "We shall do that" then roll up their sleeves and damn well do it?

They are saying, "Must never happen again"

First publisahed in "Mike Hitchen Unleashed" July 27, 2011
Copyright Mike Hitchen Online, Lane Cove, NSW, Australia. All rights reserved