According to the IRNA Political Desk reporter, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad who was speaking Wednesday evening at a ceremony to unveil a five volume documentary book on occupation of Iran during the World War II pointed out that the Iranian nation is capable of disturbing the calculations of the superpowers.
He added, “No power in the world can defeat a conscious and united nation.”
The president of the Islamic Republic of Iran emphasized that the Iranian nation has achieved self confidence and a high self esteem and fears no power any longer, adding, “We are commissioned to put on display the power of this nation and demand the rights of our nation and the other world nations.”
He noted that the victory of the Iranian nation belongs to the entire noble nations around the globe, reiterating, “The historic era of the oppressor powers and the superpowers is over and today is the day of the noble nations, particularly the Iranian nation and its exalted humane thoughts.”
The head of the executive branch of power appreciated the compilers of the five volume documentary, reiterating, “One of the results of this research work is paving the ground for materializing one of the Iranian nation’s absolute rights.”
Ahmadinejad said that in the past it was merely claimed that the world is indebted to the Iranian nation, but at the international organs, we are in need of presenting the authentic documents for this claim which cannot be rejected by any justice seeking judge.
He emphasized that these documents are especially effective at the court of the world nations’ public opinion.
The president pointed out that the other result of this research work is collecting the documents of Iran’s occupation during the World War II, and preventing the occurrence of such events repeatedly, reiterating, “These documents reveals the real faces of the looters that have become self-claimed standard bearers today.”
Ahmadinejad asked, “Who was the initiator of the 300 year era of slavery and colonialism? Were it us easterners, or the rulers of the western world?”
The president added, “Today that the time for liberation movements and freedom seeking has begun, they have changed their masks; those who have been the organizers of looting the world nations wealth to unprecedented dimensions have become the self-claimed defenders of the nations’ rights!”
He reiterated, “The looters launched such massacres and wars during the course of the past century whose losses equaled ten times that of the entire world history prior to that.”
Ahmadinejad said, “Just look at the identities they abolished, each of which is a sad story all by itself. The looters then established an international economic apparatus to be able to loot the nations’ wealth automatically for good from then on.”
He added, “They turned the US dollar into the ruling currency in the world resorting to a big plot, and then during the course of a few year era, published 32 billion dollars of bank notes with no backing.”
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