Tehran, Aug 4, IRNA – IRI President Wednesday in a meeting with Ameneh Bahrami praised her humanitarian decision of pardoning cruel man who deprived her of both eyes and her natural beauty by throwing a pitcher of acid on his face after she rejected her marriage proposal.
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said in the meeting, “The selflessness and sacrifice that was manifested in your move was a cause to feel proud for us and for the Iranian nation, and caused also a spiritual evolution in many people who took lessons of you.”
According to the IRNA Wednesday Night News Team, Ahmadinejad also expressed hope that the brave pardoning would leave such a sustainable effect on the stone hearts of criminals like the beast who committed this horrible crime that no one of them would ever think of committing such nasty crimes.
He said, “Any goodness whose result remains in the world is the fruit of selflessness and pardoning of those who have invested from the lives and happiness of themselves and their family members, so that fine values would remain alive in societies for good.’
The president reiterated, “Everyone must learn to love the entire human being, because the enmities and hard feelings are the result of the hegemony of Satan over the souls of the people.”
The president said that the Iranians are the best nation in the world, arguing, “The enemies and devils have always been displeased and angry seeing the spirit of loving, selflessness, and pardoning of the great Iranian nation.”
Ameneh Bahrami who had come to visit President Ahmadinejad along with her family members presented a report about the process of her remedies and her personal and social incentives in pardoning the cruel victim who committed this inhumane crime.
Iran’s prosecutor general, who also praised Bahrami’s brave decision, had reiterated on Tuesday night on IRIB Chanel One news that due to the public aspect of the committed crime, the criminal would still remain in prison.