The Transitional Federal Government of Somalia condemns any diversion of food aid. The TFG insists that there is no evidence to support the allegation concerning the scale of the alleged diversion, which AP reported it today.
The government notes that the media report itself acknowledges that it could not verify its figures. We are investigating the reports and remain committed to bringing those responsible to justice. The Government has zero tolerance policy towards corruption or crimes against food aid. Several people have already been convicted and sentenced for looting in Bakara Market. While disgraceful, this report should not be used as an excuse to slow down aid delivery as that would condemn even more people to death from starvation.
The UN estimates that more than 13 million people are in dire need of emergency assistance in the Horn of Africa, with at least a third of that in Somalia alone.
The Government of Somalia puts a high priority on humanitarian assistance. On 13 August 2011 our President, Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed, issued a decree imposing a state of emergency in the Internally Displaced Peoples’ camps in Mogadishu. This measure aims to ensure that these camps are free from any criminal activities which include the looting of food aid or property.
The Prime Minister of Somalia Dr Abdiweli Moahmed Ali has recently announced the creation of a special force to protect food aid and the distribution of food aid to camps.
The government is committed to ensuring that those people who are desperately in need of humanitarian assistance are able to receive this help and assistance which is their right. The Prime Minister has appointed an independent Somali National Disaster Management Agency and its management committee comprises civil society groups with a view to reaching out to all regions in Somalia, including those regions under the control of Al-Shabaab. This clearly shows the commitment and the political will from the government to help our people at this difficult time.
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