Friday, August 12, 2011

South Sudan: South Sudan Gets Own Internet Domain

Source: VOA

The new nation of South Sudan has been assigned its own Internet domain code.

Websites in the country will feature the suffix ".ss". The code, known as the alpha-2 code, was assigned by the International Organization for Standardization, which helps set standards for the Internet and other technical fields.

The code for Sudan remains ".sd". South Sudan split from Sudan last month, six years after the end of a long civil war.

South Sudan's acting telecommunications minister, Madut Biar Yel, says the country also received "SSD" as its alpha-3 code. That code is used to mark passports and national currency and is also by police, aviation, and meteorological officials.

Madut thanked the ISO for expediting the new codes and said they are another sign that South Sudan is recognized internationally.

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