Friday, August 05, 2011

Thought for The Day: Archive

Thought For The Day Archive

Aug 05
School is where you learn by the book. Education is when you learn by experience

Aug 04
You know you're getting old when - you remember the time when you and not experts, made decisions about what is good and bad for you. Which is one of the reasons you managed to get old!

Aug 03
A hasty word is often a long time in the making

Aug 02
If you try but fail, you fail once. If you fail to try, you fail twice

July 30
A man's got to do what a man's got to do, and a woman's got to clean up after him!

July 29
A thought will always be just a thought until it's well thought through!

July 28
A harsh word is nothing more than a word. A kind word however, is much more than just a word

July 27
Too frequently it seems that all we have learned from the past, is how to use it as a trigger for present and future conflicts

July 26
Children need to exercise. They need to run, ride, jump, crawl up and down things. That's why we created supermarkets

July 23
Everyone is entitled to my own opinion!

July 22
If asked awkward questions about your knowedge of alleged breaches of privacy carried out by your organisation, remember any info you have is - confidential!

July 21
A thought for the day is good. Two thoughts for the day is better. Three thoughts for the day makes you lose sight of the first two!

July 20
If visiting UK and you are elderly, prominent and Australian - make sure you take your wives with you!

July 19
The secret to a successful, healthy life, is don't be a whistleblower in Britain

July 15
When you climb the ladder to the stars, make sure no one below can see up your trouser leg!

July 14
A smile can be more misleading than an angry look

July 13
A stitch in time saves hiring PR consultants

July 09
If you always follow the herd, one day someone is going to eat you for dinner!

July 08
In business it is essential to work with professionalism, integrity and a code of ethics - otherwise you'll end up a friend of David Cameron

July 07
The braggard boasts about using the latest browsers to see the world, instead of just opening the curtains and using Windows!

July 06
Nothing in black and white is ever black and white!

July 05
When life throws stones at you, you have a choice. You can let them bury you, or you can pick them up and build something with them

July 02
When you're down and troubled, And you need a helping hand, And nothing, nothing is going right - make sure you're a banker!

July 01
I don't wait for the dollar to rise or fall - I wait for the penny to drop!

June 29
Some things are best left, especially those on the right

June 28
Sadly all too often, the "Cause of Death" is the cause of freedom

June 25
Often when someone tells me, "I can't" my mental auto fill adds, "be bothered"

June 24
Truth never goes missing. Like a child playing a game, it waits patiently ready to go - boo!

June 23
A dream can come true, as long as it's your dream and not somebody else's

June 22
Sometimes you need a thought for the day, sometimes you need to have fought for the day

June 21
A false smile can fool a lot of people - including yourself

June 18
Those with a permanent smile, are often as dangerous as those with a permanent scowl

June 16
Freedom of speech is a basic and wonderful right, but like so many beautiful things, turns ugly in the hands of the sculptors of hate

June 15
Knowledge is wonderful but remember, often your heart can tell you far more than books

June 14
It's not what you do, nor the way that you do it - it's why!

June 11
Those who live in glass houses no longer throw stones, they write for the British media

June 10
I don't mind meetings if there's a meeting of minds!

June 09
Australia is called, "The Lucky Country" due to the fact that Australian retail management depend more on luck than ability

Jun 03
An "Expert" is often someone with an expensive education, who earns a living either stating the bleeding obvious, or by stating the bleeding ridiculous!

Jun 02
Hold your head up high - but watch out for whats's on the footpath

Jun 01
Two heads are better than one -as long as they end up thinking as one

May 31
It's the duty of revered leaders in exile, to ensure they're financially better off and safer, than those back home dying in their name

May 28
Many people make the mistake of believing that having an idea, is the same as having a plan.

May 27
When the going gets tough, you're going the right way

May 26
In the old days God created Plagues and Floods when he was displeased with mankind. These days he's gone corporate and send Experts

May 25
If do-gooding experts insist on warning labels on packaging, why not target the real problem and have warning labels on politicians

Getting your message across to your audience is like taking kids on a car trip. Go straight from A to B. If you take the scenic route, they'll want to know, "are we there yet?"

Life is a game and every game has rules and opposing players. The trick is to appear to be playing their rules, while you quietly play your own

In times of trouble, there are those among the conveniently devout, who question their faith in their God. Perhaps instead, they should question their God's faith in them!

May 19
If you are naive enough to believe there is such a thing as a free lunch, you'll end up getting your just desserts!

May 18
You can't always get what you want, so sometimes you just have to be happy that you want what you get!

May 17
If you want to get ahead, use the one stuck on top of your neck

May 14
Technology is full of wonder. I often wonder what the heck I'm doing.

May 11, 2011
A child betrayed is the cruelest betrayal of all.

May 10, 2011
Always plenty on the news about rising price of oil and gold. Very little on the falling price of a child's life.

May 07, 2011
The one you need to put your trust in, is the one you see when you look in the mirror

May 06, 2011
Hate, should not be hereditary, passed on from one generation to the other, otherwise soon there will be no one left to inherit hate, prejudice and ignorance

May 05, 2011
The way to a woman's heart, is to let her see yours

May 03, 2011
Too many uprisings, revolutions and popular coups, have resulted in today's heroes becoming tomorrow's villains

April 30, 2011
Freedom is what the poor pay for with their blood, the rich with their overseas bank accounts

April 29, 2011
When you have a dream, you're half way to the stars. When the one you love dreams with you - the stars come to you

April 28, 2011
The Almighty created The Earth. The Devil Created Evil. The Jester created the U.N

April 27, 2011
They who laugh loudest and longest, are usually yuppies on a mobile phone!

April 26, 2011
They say familiarity breeds contempt, but so too does corruption. Contempt for human rights, contempt for the legal and moral responsibilities of high office - contempt for the lives of others

Copyright Mike Hitchen. All rights reserved