Commander of the Basij (volunteer forces) in Iran Mohammad Reza Naghdi said on Thursday that the Ashura and al-Zahar battalions are ready to be dispatched to London as peace keeping forces to help restore calm to the troubled cosmopolitan city.
Speaking to a group of commanders, he strongly criticized British officials for labeling protesters as looters and saboteurs.
'Much to our regret the crimes and brutality of despotic British monarchy against the country’s oppressed continue,' he said.
There are about 1,600,000 of closed-circuit television (CCTV) cameras in Britain out of which one million are in the capital city London but the police cannot identify and arrest those whom they label as thieves, he said.
The Untied Nation Security Council does nothing but to back bullying powers and issue resolutions against freedom seekers around the globe but it remains indifference towards current developments in Britain.
If the UN General Assembly ratifies dispatch of Iranian battalions as peace keeping forces to Britain, these forces are ready to help defend human rights as well as oppressed people in London, Liverpool and Birmingham, said the Iranian commander.
History of British monarchy is full of crimes, colonialism, aggression, mass killings and pitting countries throughout the world against one another, resulting in deaths of millions of people and brining miseries for others, he said.
People in UK seek justice and this is among their legitimate rights, he said.
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