Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Iran: Iran's envoy to Denmark rips western hypocrisy on Arab uprisings

Source: IRNA

Iran's new Ambassador to Denmark Morteza Daman Pak-Jami lambasted western countries for their double standard in dealing with the Arab rebellions.

Speaking at a peace conference in Copenhagen on Monday, the Iranian envoy lashed out certain western nations which literally over night turned from supporting dictatorial regimes to so-called defenders of freedom and democracy in the Arab world.

He cited the destructive western war in Libya as such an example.

Daman Pak-Jami was alluding to the western double standard in Libya where the West backed military action, and to Bahrain where the West had basically kept silent on the Saudi occupation of the tiny Persian Gulf kingdom directed at suppressing peaceful popular protests. He slammed the West for supporting authoritarian Arab regimes in the name of security and the fight against terrorism.

Daman Pak-Jami made clear that real peace could not be established with these kind of political games and double standards.