You have to hand it to Great Britain, few countries, if any, can pass the blame better than British governments. Mind you, they have had centuries of practice and long ago reached the stage where it just came naturally.
A financial crisis caused by greedy, questionable bankers and financiers; MPs fiddling their expenses; a wide-spread hacking scandal involving the man who made a former Prime Minister, and one of the chief architects of the illegal and immoral war on Iraq, Godfather to his daughters; cozy little deals with Gaddafi, including handing over dissidents knowing they would be tortured, followed by indiscriminate bombing of Libya, in an alleged attempt to enforce human rights and democracy; encouraging and embracing an environment where there are so many cover ups, people believe the white cliffs of Dover are covered in whitewash - and what does Cameron blame for "Broken Britain"?
That kids are no longer bashed by teachers and have the audacity to want to be treated like human beings.
The mighty British lion has been replaced by another animal - a disenfranchised scapegoat