Saturday, November 26, 2011

Hate Crimes: FBI Asked to Probe Internet Threats to Mosques

SOURCE Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)

A prominent national Muslim civil rights and advocacy organization today called on the FBI to investigate a number of threats of violence targeting mosques posted online on an anti-Islam hate site, including the comment "I want [Muslim] blood on my hands" by an individual who claims he regularly drives past a Virginia mosque.

The Washington-based Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) also urged to remove the hate site because its calls to violence violate the hosting company's terms of service," which prohibit blogs that "contain threats or incite violence towards individuals or entities."

[NOTE: At CAIR's request, last year deleted a similar blog containing posts that advocated burning mosques, making false bomb threats implicating Muslims, desecrating Muslim graves, and that recommended the "proper way to shoot a muslim [sic]."]

CAIR said articles and comments posted on the anonymous blog "Bare Naked Islam" (BNI) routinely urge attacks on and desecration of American and European mosques.

[NOTE: Grammatical errors have been maintained for all posts and comments below.]

"Keith Mahone (aka Charles Martel)," who states that he regularly drives by a Virginia mosque, wrote: "[I]f you see a Muslim licking an ice cream cone in the park and you blow his head off you are technically committing an act of self defense. . .Muslims must learn they they are not safe anywhere outside a Muslim country. . .My heart does a back flip to see a mosque "desecrated". . .Burn every mosque to the ground in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ and kill every Muslim twice. . .I want their blood on my hands as a matter of principle."

SEE: Keith Mahone (aka Charles Martel)

In a November 23 post headlined "Ready the Pigs' Blood," the blog's author and commenters on the article urged violence and religious desecration to prevent the construction of a New York mosque.

SEE: Ready the Pigs' Blood

BNI's author wrote: "The mosque may go up, but it will never stay up."

Commenter "angel" wrote: "I hope the tough Russians will burn this mosque to the ground many times over until the a**lifters get the message."

"Sarastro" wrote: "Ban all mosques, blow up those that exist, and do not let another inch of sacred American soil be designated to be desecrated by Islamic buildings. Let's hope the Russian Mafia will find the right remedy for this outrage."

"Carl Tapp" wrote: "Bay people must contaminate the ground, buildings, and Muslims with the blood, urine and guts of pigs."

"Kenneth Schustereit" commented, "Fill this hole with pig's blood!" while "perry" wrote: "a lil pigs blood applied here and there."

In reply to these threats "barenakedislam" suggested: "Perry, pouring [pig blood] in the cement would be better. They couldn't wash it away." The blog's author later wrote: "I sincerely doubt that mosque will ever get to the point where they are blaring the Call to Prayer at 5AM. Mr. BNI has a Russian Jewish business associate from that neighborhood. He will know what they are going to do but I doubt if he will tell us. Probably better that way."

Another BNI November 23 post headlined "WOO HOO! Yet ANOTHER anti-Muslim attack on a French mosque" asks, "Will the Muslims ever get a clue that they are not welcome in France?"

SEE: WOO HOO! Yet ANOTHER anti-Muslim attack on a French mosque

A comment to that post by "Sarastro" stated: "What's all this pussy-footing??? Throw 10 Molotov cocktails into these mosques and burn them down even with a**-lifters in them, especially with a**-lifters in them."

"GrouchyFogie" wrote: "Bomb the things to the ground, THEN burn them."

"Burnerjack" wrote: "THAT'S not an attack. An attack is boarding the doors while the mosque is full and then fire bombing it. THAT'S an attack. I'm just saying."

"Calls to violence and desecration targeting an American religious minority should never be tolerated and must be investigated by the FBI and other relevant law enforcement authorities," said CAIR National Communications Director Ibrahim Hooper. "Too many American mosques have already been targeted by those who share the extremist views expressed on this hate site."

He noted that in the past year, mosques or mosque construction sites in Massachusetts, Oregon, Ohio, New York, Iowa, Maine, Georgia, Missouri, Louisiana, Tennessee, Texas, California, and Michigan have been targeted by arson, vandalism or threats.

In May of last year, a bomb exploded at a Florida mosque. A recent fire at a Kansas mosque is still under investigation.

Hooper said a number of recent reports have documented the growth and promotion of Islamophobia nationwide.