Tuesday, November 29, 2011

India: National Press Club Calls on Indian Government to Investigate Charges of Violence Against Journalists in Kashmir

he National Press Club called Monday for the Indian government to investigate charges that reporters were beaten in Indian-controlled Kashmir and to prevent such attacks from happening again.

The Associated Press reported that four journalists were beaten while covering a protest in that region last Friday. One of them, Umar Meraj, a cameraman for the Associated Press, said he was assailed with rifle butts, batons, fists and kicks. The AP said local journalists and non-governmental organizations have repeatedly reported harassment and assaults by police in the territory.

"Reporters and concerned people everywhere are appalled by these alleged attacks on journalists," said Mark Hamrick, president of the National Press Club and a broadcast journalist with the AP. "We call on the Indian government to look into the incidents, to bring to justice those responsible and to do everything possible to prevent recurrences."

SOURCE National Press Club