Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Opinion: I grow weary

I grow weary of all the promises made by those who rise from obscurity to offer hope to those who have none.
I grow weary of the way they offer a dream to the poor, the oppressed and the grieving.
Time after time I have seen such men and women.
Time after time I have seen what they became and what they have done.
Although no court will ever say it, I stand and say to such people, "you are guilty. You stand condemned"
For they commit one of the worst crimes one can inflict on their fellow country people.
They have stolen their hope, they have taken away their dream. All they leave behind is misery, heartache and tears...
...and the tiny flicker of a new hope, as another false savior stands before them and promises the beaten and the betrayed, freedom, democracy and a life from tyranny.
Weavers of Hope, you want your people to follow you? You want them to listen to your words hoping they will bring joy and hope to their hearts?
If so, let them lead you, follow the footsteps of their hearts. Let the people take you where they want to go and when you get there, it will be time for you to do what they can not.
Deliver the dream to dry their eternal tears.