Thursday, December 01, 2011

Opinion: Poverty - it's a numbers game

A recent United Nations report boasts poverty levels in Latin America have fallen to their lowest in two decades. In fact, there are now only 174 million people living in poverty compared to 177 million in 2010.
Maybe it's just me, but 174 million people still seems like one hell of a lot of people. As for the three million who apparently have escaped poverty, I doubt they are much better off than they were before - they just scraped across an artificial UN barrier.
Maybe I am just being rather cynical about the numbers, the back-slapping, the fancy words and technical terms used to describe poverty levels.
Maybe those who think they are poor are just imagining it due to the lack of food, money and ability to buy the basic necessities of life.
Quote: "To jointly improve productive convergence, labour institutionality and universal social protection in Latin America, steps towards fiscal pacts and social dialogue must be taken" Try telling that to a mother trying to feed her kids.
But I guess such reports do have to have to have figures, calculations and percentages, so that being the case, how about this for a simple answer...
One Percent.