Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Hate Crimes: Condemnation of Firebombing of NY Mosque

SOURCE Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) today condemned a firebomb attack on a New York mosque that occurred while worshippers were inside and urged Muslim institutions and local police to step up security measures.

The firebombs were thrown late last night at the Imam Al-Khoei Islamic Center in Queens while up to 80 worshippers were in the mosque. There were no reports of injuries. Two nearby homes were apparently targeted by the same attackers.

SEE: Firebombs Tossed at Queens Mosque Eyed As Hate Crime

Four Attacks in Queens with Homemade Firebombs (NY Times)

"Attacks on our nation's houses of worship must be condemned by all Americans and should be investigated and prosecuted using all available law enforcement resources," said CAIR National Communications Director Ibrahim Hooper.

He said CAIR is urging local police to boost patrols near mosques and is asking members of the Muslim community to review security procedures using advice contained in its "Muslim Community Safety Kit."

SEE: CAIR Muslim Community Safety Kit

Hooper noted that CAIR recently called on the FBI to investigate threats of violence targeting mosques posted on the anti-Islam hate site "Bare Naked Islam," including calls to use violence and religious desecration to prevent the construction of a New York mosque.

A comment on that hate site stated: "What's all this pussy-footing??? Throw 10 Molotov cocktails into these mosques and burn them down even with a**-lifters in them, especially with a**-lifters in them."

The hate blog's author wrote: "The mosque may go up, but it will never stay up." Commenter "angel" wrote: "I hope the tough Russians will burn this mosque to the ground many times over until the a**lifters get the message." "GrouchyFogie" wrote: "Bomb the things to the ground, THEN burn them." "Burnerjack" wrote: "THAT'S not an attack. An attack is boarding the doors while the mosque is full and then fire bombing it. THAT'S an attack. I'm just saying."

Video: Blog Threats Target Mosques (CAIR)

Call to Firebomb Mosques

Ready the Pigs' Blood

The blog is in the process of being removed by WordPress.com for violating the hosting company's terms of service (TOS), which prohibit blogs that "contain threats or incite violence towards individuals or entities."

In the past year, mosques or mosque construction sites in Massachusetts, Oregon, Ohio, New York, Iowa, Maine, Georgia, Missouri, Louisiana, Tennessee, Texas, California, and Michigan have been targeted by arson, vandalism or threats.

In May of 2010, a bomb exploded at a Florida mosque. A recent fire at a Kansas mosque is still under investigation.

Hooper said a number of recent reports have documented the growth and promotion of Islamophobia nationwide.