Thursday, April 19, 2012

Russia: Zhirinovsky - Stories about "criminals, murders, murderers and pedophiles" should be classified and hidden from the general public

Bad news in Russia

Source: Pravda.Ru

Vladimir Zhirinovsky, the leader of the Liberal and Democratic Party of Russia (LDPR), set out his claims to Russian media. The politician accused them of pedaling negative news, which may lead to the development of numerous mental disorders with the population.

The notorious politician offered to deliver negative news in portions of not more than 20 percent. The remaining 80 percent is supposed to be positive news only, he said. According to Zhirinovsky, Russian news agencies can find positive subjects anywhere. For example, they can report on the cherry harvest in Tajikistan or ripe strawberries in Kazakhstan. "Give people some good news!" RBC quoted the politician as saying.

Zhirinovsky also stated that stories about "criminals, murders, murderers and pedophiles" should be classified and hidden from the general public. "I would support closing the information about murderers and pedophiles. Everything must be concealed. I want to know nothing about Breivik and Shein [Oleg Shein]. I don't care about Astrakhan and the Norwegian scoundrel," Zhirinovsky stated.