Friday, May 04, 2012

Bahrain: King Approves Constitutional Amendments that Empower Elected Representatives

SOURCE Kingdom of Bahrain

In a ceremony today, Bahrain's King, His Majesty Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, accepted constitutional amendments that increased the power of Bahrain's elected parliament, as suggested during the country's National Consensus Dialogue last July.

"We are keen, all the time, to preserve our plurality and common coexistence to work together to achieve the collective national interests in a manner that maintains and guarantees our progress, independence, security, and stability," His Majesty the King said during his address.

The constitutional amendments give the House of Representatives, the elected chamber of Bahrain's parliament, power to reject the government and its programs. The reforms were conceived at the country's National Consensus Dialogue last July and ultimately ratified by the Council of Representatives and the Shura Council.

"It is true that each generation has a different approach to reforms. We, in this present generation, hold that consensus is the best way for reform. Consequently, we, in the Kingdom of Bahrain, embarked on a decade of reform in every aspect of our life," HM King Hamad said.

The constitutional amendments reflect Bahrain's ongoing process to expand the rights of Bahraini citizens and to listen to the demands of the people.

"As history has proven, citizenship, unity, and participation are the pillars of the reform and development march," King Hamad said. "Thus, the doors for dialogue are wide open, and national consensus is our ultimate aim."