Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Iran: Major clues found on assassins of nuclear scientists - Iran

Intelligence Minister Hojatoleslam Heidar Moslehi
Source: IRNA

Mashhad, May 15, IRNA – Iran has got clues to identify assassins of nuclear scientists, Intelligence Minister Hojatoleslam Heidar Moslehi said on Tuesday.

He told reporters at the end of 1ooth session of the cabinet ministers in Khorasan Razavi province that the clues which led to arrest of assassins of the nuclear scientists later would be made public.

Responding to a question whether he saw the movie ‘Golden Collars’, Moslehi gave positive reply.

“It is only a movie as the director of the film said,” Moslehi said when he was asked to comment.

A reporter sought information on the report about neutralizing a bomb in Tehran during Noruz holidays.

Moslehi said that the gang has been arrested and the information about the crime will be published later.

Asked about a book ‘Explanation of Name’, a biography attributed to Supreme Leader published with flaws in narration of the historical events, Moslehi dismissed the rumor that publisher of the book is affiliated to the Intelligence Ministry.