Saturday, May 19, 2012

South Sudan-Sudan: SPLA calls for proper border demarcation

Source: Miraya FM

The Sudan People's Liberation Army (SPLA) says the South Sudan-Sudan borders must be demarcated as a matter of urgency to stop conflict between the two countries.

Speaking on Radio Miraya's Inside South Sudan on Wednesday, the SPLA Spokesman Philip Aguer said SPLA would be forced to reposition iteself in the contested border areas if Khartoum fails to withdraw its troops.

"I find difficulties in calling them contested areas because these are parts of South Sudan. They are occupied territories by SAF (Sudan Armed Forces)," said Aguer.

"If you don't demarcate the borders peacefully, then definitely the SPLA still have a mission to liberate these areas. There is no question about it," he warned.

South Sudan has already withdrawn its 700 man police force from Abyei and has called on the International community to pressurize Khartoum to do the same.