Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Sudan-South Sudan: Security Council Press Statement on Sudan, South Sudan

Source: UN Security Council

The following Security Council press statement was issued today by Council President Li Baodong ( China):

The Security Council heard a briefing on 14 June by Special Envoy Haile Menkerios and Assistant Secretary-General Edmond Mulet on the implementation of resolution 2046 (2012) and the African Union road map.

The members of the Security Council welcomed the resumption of negotiations between Sudan and South Sudan under the auspices of the African Union High-Level Implementation Panel. They noted that there has been a reduction in violence in the border region and commended that some progress was made by both parties in implementing the requirements of resolution 2046. However, members of the Security Council expressed their strong concern about delays and stressed that important elements of the resolution remain unresolved by both parties. The members of the Security Council stressed the requirement that Sudan and South Sudan resolve all outstanding issues within the time frames laid out by the African Union road map and resolution 2046.

The members of the Security Council underscored the urgency of immediately establishing the necessary border security mechanisms and reiterated that the Safe Demilitarized Border Zone shall be established, as stipulated in United Nations Security Council resolution 2046, in accordance with the administrative and security map presented to the parties by the African Union High-Level Implementation Panel in November 2011, it being understood that this map in no way prejudices ongoing negotiations on the disputed areas and demarcation of the border. They welcomed the commitment to deploy monitors to the Joint Border Verification and Monitoring Mechanism headquarters in Asosa, Ethiopia, and urged them to do so as soon as possible.

The members of the Security Council welcomed the full withdrawal from the Abyei Area of the Sudanese Armed Forces and Sudanese Police Service personnel. They called on the Government of Sudan to complete the withdrawal of its forces by redeploying all oil police in accordance with resolution 2046 and the 20 June 2011 Agreement on Temporary Arrangements for Security in the Abyei Area.

The members of the Security Council reiterated their grave concern about the situation in Southern Kordofan and Blue Nile States of Sudan, especially the rapidly worsening humanitarian situation, and in this regard expressed concern that the parties have not implemented the relevant provisions of resolution 2046.

The Security Council calls upon the two States to implement their obligations under the road map, as well as resolution 2046, immediately and without precondition. The Security Council will continue to closely monitor the developments in accordance with resolution 2046.

For information media • not an official record